If you wish to register for both the American Coatings Association (formerly FSCT) and the CSCT please register with each organization separately to facilitate proper credit and record keeping.
Federation Code of Ethics Honor, justice and courtesy constitute the cornerstone of the professional ethics which shall guide the members of the Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology. Members shall unremittingly make these elements of conduct basic to the discharge of their duties in the paint industry to the end that:
Members shall recognize their responsibilities to the public by serving it with integrity, fidelity and courtesy; by providing the most useful and serviceable products; and by encouraging the dissemination only of true, fair and un-exaggerated statements of facts.
Members shall recognize their responsibilities to their employers in giving fair and just opinions to those whom they may serve and who may serve them; by striving to improve the quality of the products over which they may have control and the efficiency of their manufacture; by discouraging the manufacture of unprofitable items; by maintaining an inquiring attitude toward new techniques and developments; and by encouraging the introduction of improved methods and materials. They shall not seek or accept new employment based primarily on the specialized knowledge of their present employers.
Members shall actively support and take part in the work of their local Societies and the Federation, exchanging noncompetitive information and seeking fundamental information which will increase the basic knowledge of the paint industry and will improve its products, equipment and manufacturing methods.
Qualifications for Membership in the Societies and the ACA
Active Member Any individual engaged in research, engineering, technical development, quality control or supervisory production work for the manufacture, use or improvement of the finished products or raw materials of the protective or decorative coatings and printing ink industries, is eligible for Active membership.
Associate Member Any individual not eligible for Active membership, but who is intimately interested in and associated with the protective and decorative coatings and printing ink industries is eligible for Associate membership, provided that the Society has established such class of membership.
Educator and Student Member Any individual who is a college or high school educator or who is a student registered in an educational institution of recognized standing in a course of study in chemistry, engineering, physics, or other related sciences leading to a degree, shall be eligible for Educator and Student membership.
Retired Member Any Active, Associate, or Educator Member shall be eligible for Retired membership when he/she has severed connection with his/her employer by nature of retirement due to age, disability or for reasons deemed suitable by the Membership or other appropriate Committee of the Society, and is no longer considered a permanent employee in the protective and decorative coatings and printing ink industries.
Transfers Any Active or Associate Member who changes companies within the same Constituent Society may apply for transfer. Members who change companies between different Constituent Societies must apply for membership in he new Constituent Society.